value. quality care. convenience.
148 Junction Road, Morningside
My Physio & Pilates
Services provided by My Physio and Pilates are billed at the completion of your treatment. My Physio and Pilates participates in most of the major health insurance plans in QLD. Check with your private healthcare insurer to determine the amount of your physio rebate. Pilates rebates may also apply through your physio extras cover.
Please be aware that with any health plans, there may be deductibles and copayments for which you could be responsible.
Initial Physiotherapy Assessment $120
Subsequent Physiotherapy Assessment $100
EPC consultation gap $40
(please present your team care plan signed by your GP and a current medicare card)
Work Cover, insurance, NDIS and DVA Not available
Pilates/ group physio
Initial Pilates assessment $80
Adult Group Pilates $38
Will I be able to claim a rebate from my healthfund?
If you are a member of a healthfund then you may be able to claim a rebate from your physiotherapy extras. The amount may vary depending on your particular fund. This amount can be claimed automatically via healthpay or when you provide your receipt to your healthcare provider.
What billing information will I receive?
You will receive a copy of your receipt upon payment of your bill. You may request statements at any time.